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Lun 6 Mar 2017 17:59

bonjour je suis a la recherche de pièces d usure pour mon neato botvac 85,tel que les roues ,capteurs de pare choc.connaissez vous un distributeur svp merci

Re: neato

Sam 22 Avr 2017 18:27

Robotshop.com, Canada and France, carries some new parts for Neato Robotics. Some parts are sold on ebay. Neato Robotics does not distribute parts.
Some of the components are standard electronic parts which can be used to make repairs. Bumper switches, lidar motors and belts, bearings, slip rings. Wall and cliff sensors.
A company sells a microcontroller for external use of the lidar and listed lidar units as well. http://www.getsurreal.com/