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XV-15, XV-14, XV-25, Signature, Botvac, Kobold VR100, VR200 ...

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Mer 25 Juil 2018 22:15

Bonsoir Perache

Je pencherai pour un problème avec le condensateur C10. Il est sur l'alim du micro .... donc, pas de réveil, pas de boulot .... cela me fait pensez à lui !

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Lun 30 Juil 2018 09:50

Bonjour Jean-Benoit, savez-vous comment je pourrais réinstaller le programme de mon Neato XV 25? Il continue à ne pas me proposer "nettoyage maison"...

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Lun 30 Juil 2018 20:24

Bonsoir Perache

Il faudrait en effet lui ré installer le Firmware 3.4
http://www.robotreviews.com/chat/viewto ... 02#p127302

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Sam 1 Sep 2018 15:51

Bonjour à tous,

Est ce qu'un de vous aurait la gentillesse de m'indiquer la référence de la pièce D15 apparaissant sur la photo de la carte mere???
Je l'ai dégradée en changeant la D14, et je voudrais la remplacer...

Merci pour votre aide!

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Sam 1 Sep 2018 20:41


C'est une diode U4B de chez ON semiconducteur
Voir datasheet : http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/MURA105T3-D.PDF

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 2 Sep 2018 07:14

Merci Jean Benoît,

Je peux trouver cachez rs-particulier également, sous cette référence?


Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 2 Sep 2018 13:33


Oui en cherchant avec MURA/NRVUA/SURA8110T3G sous le fabriquant ON Semiconducteur

Bonne recherche et, bonne réparation !


Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 2 Sep 2018 14:42

Merci encore Jean Benoit.

Je vais regarder si je trouve (a première vue, cette référence spécifique n'est pas dispo...) ; je vais les contacter pour savoir.

Merci encore et bonne fin de week-end.


Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Mer 5 Sep 2018 09:13

Bonjour Jean Benoît,

Je ne trouve pas via leur moteur de recherche, et quand je demande à leur service client, ils me disent de chercher via leur moteur de recherche... c'est le chat qui se mord la queue...

Si vous avez une autre piste pour trouver cette pièce, je suis preneur..



Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Mer 5 Sep 2018 19:48


A partir du datasheet que je vous ai donné, on trouve un model chez RS:

https://www.rs-particuliers.com/Search. ... t3g&Page=0


Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 28 Avr 2019 20:46

Quelle est la raison d'avoir mis un 220 µf, quelle est sa tension ?

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Mar 30 Avr 2019 17:12

The voltage specification is for the maximum voltage the capacitor can accept without damage, and is typically 35v in the Neato, with a charging dock delivering 24v. the capacitor acts as a smoothing filter on the power supply and the capacity is set by the design of the circuit and how it is used in the system. Larger capacities can also be used. Digital electronics requires a very stable, precise power supply to operate, and capacitors are often used throughout the circuits to support momentary high drain from digital circuit switching states.

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 9 Juin 2019 16:38

We purchased the Neato XV 25 about a year ago and began to have issues with it about 2 months ago. The unit would not turn on after it returned to its base to charge and would sometimes die on the way back to the base or during cleaning. When the Neato would “die” it would be completely unresponsive with nothing displaying on the LCD and the green LED light only partially illuminated. We would not even be able to power it on and off with the main power button. The only way we would be able to get the unit to turn on again would be to remove the batteries and leave them out for a few minutes before plugging them back in. About a week ago we were unable to get the Neato to turn back on no matter what we tried.
I figured the issue was a battery issue and so I ordered replacement batteries from kelrobot and received them this afternoon. I have replaced the old batteries with the new ones and I am still unable to get the Neato to turn back on. I have re-tried the old batteries and still no luck.

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Dim 9 Juin 2019 17:20


When you plug the news battery, you don't have green led on the bord and there is no light i the LCD display ?
Normally, the news battery are not charge, then, it's necessary to put the robot on the dock toi charge its -> what's happened on your robot ?
So, i think, you have perhaps a problem with your C10 condensator. But before opened the robot to remove it, check the voltage on the mother board with Neato Control

Re: NEATO XV25 panne LED Verte S'allume et s'eteint

Ven 14 Juin 2019 01:44

angelagates29 a écrit:We purchased the Neato XV 25 about a year ago and began to have issues with it about 2 months ago. The unit would not turn on after it returned to its base to charge and would sometimes die on the way back to the base or during cleaning. When the Neato would “die” it would be completely unresponsive with nothing displaying on the LCD and the green LED light only partially illuminated. We would not even be able to power it on and off with the main power button. The only way we would be able to get the unit to turn on again would be to remove the batteries and leave them out for a few minutes before plugging them back in. About a week ago we were unable to get the Neato to turn back on no matter what we tried.
I figured the issue was a battery issue and so I ordered replacement batteries from kelrobot and received them this afternoon. I have replaced the old batteries with the new ones and I am still unable to get the Neato to turn back on. I have re-tried the old batteries and still no luck.