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panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Mar 18 Déc 2018 15:54

j'ai mon néato d85 qui commence à donner des signes de fatigues

après chaque coupure de courant(edf/disjoncteur), le robot ne se recharche plus

je suis obligé de l'arrêter avec le petit interrupteur interne, de le rallumer, et de le remettre à charger, car il est à 0% de charger

vous avez une idée du pb?

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Mer 19 Déc 2018 21:57

Connect over USB to Neato Control Program and examine the Fuel Gauge charge measure and set manually if incorrect. Perhaps a power failure when on the dock disrupted the cpu. The Fuel Gauge in the Botvac is also calculated by a dedicated Maxim IC which has sometimes been replaced as defective.

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Jeu 20 Déc 2018 16:35

merci pour votre aide
voici quelque précision sur le pb de mon aspirateur

si je laisse le robot sur son quai de chargement, il se décharge, alors qu'il devrait maintenir ça charge
pour que le robot refonctionne, il faut que j’éteigne le robot avec l’interrupteur
et là le robot se recharge!!

j'ai branché le programme néato et fait quelque capture d'écran avec sa batterie à zéro et le robot en charge après l'avoir éteins et allumé

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Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Dim 23 Déc 2018 12:05


je veux bien un peu d'aide ;)

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Lun 14 Jan 2019 17:07

pb résolu, en changeant la batterie
https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B071CJ ... UTF8&psc=1

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Lun 14 Jan 2019 23:21

The Neato Control data shows a battery which is mostly fully charged, at 13v. The Botvac is a nominal 12v system. The charging current shown is virtually zero so the system is not charging, perhaps because the system thinks the battery is fully charged.
Replacing the battery is required to diagnose almost any problem in such systems as there must be a known good battery; power supply problems create many different failures.
One feature of worn out batteries is they charge and discharge quickly, to the same maximum voltage as good batteries. When a load is placed on the worn batteries, the voltage may fall too low to run the system. The sign of battery wear is reduction in the run time and more frequent recharging cycles during cleaning. Evaluate how long and how often the battery has been in use. NiMh batteries sometimes do not last more than 200 charging cycles; lithium batteries last longer. The NiMh Botvac batteries have become fairly inexpensive.
Neato Control can be used to evaluate the battery by running the fan only, for about 1/3 normal load, 1amp, and observe how the battery voltage falls over time -- the voltage discharge curve -- how much run time is supported. The nominal 12v battery can fall to 10v when fully discharged, but Neato leaves a 30 per cent unused charge margin for protection against damaging deep discharge and a reserve for returning to base. The battery should not be allowed to deep discharge or fall below 10v as the cells will be damaged (some systems have under-voltage protection circuits; the Neato system may automatically shut down when the voltage is too low to operate).

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Mar 15 Jan 2019 10:53

la batterie était quand même bonne, car le robot effectuait des nettoyages de 1 h en une seul fois!!!

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Mer 16 Jan 2019 00:36

When replacing the battery there is an option in the LCD display for "new battery". This option resets a mathematical model of the battery condition maintained by the firmware. One possibility is that this model became inaccurate for some reason giving the computer false indications of when to charge. The only part of this model displayed over USB is the Fuel Gauge Per Cent full, which is not shown in the selection above. The parameter can be manually set over USB. Perhaps setting this figure to zero would initiate charging and recalibration of the battery. The Neato will monitor the battery for premature discharge, loss of capacity, and reduce the programmed run time accordingly to insure return to base. New Battery resets this monitor.

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Sam 20 Juil 2019 22:57

glnc222 a écrit:When replacing the battery there is an option in the LCD display for "new battery". This option resets a mathematical model of the battery condition maintained by the firmware. One possibility is that this model became inaccurate for some reason giving the computer false indications of when to charge. The only part of this model displayed over USB is the Fuel Gauge Per Cent full, which is not shown in the selection above. The parameter can be manually set over USB. Perhaps setting this figure to zero would initiate charging and recalibration of the battery. The Neato will monitor the battery for premature discharge, loss of capacity, and reduce the programmed run time accordingly to insure return to base. New Battery resets this monitor.

L’un des inconvénients de posséder un chien est de devoir enlever les poils qu’il laisse un peu partout dans la maison. L’aspirateur robot pour poils de chien a été conçu pour vous simplifier la tâche. Lorsque vous achetez votre appareil, choisissez une référence puissante et dotée de brosses spéciales pour poils de chien.

Re: panne neato d85 après coupure de courant

Jeu 25 Juil 2019 20:17

L’un des inconvénients de posséder un chien est de devoir enlever les poils qu’il laisse un peu partout dans la maison. L’aspirateur robot pour poils de chien a été conçu pour vous simplifier la tâche. Lorsque vous achetez votre appareil, choisissez une référence puissante et dotée de brosses spéciales pour poils de chien.[/quote]
mopakarim5400 a écrit:
glnc222 a écrit:When replacing the battery there is an option in the LCD display for "new battery". This option resets a mathematical model of the battery condition maintained by the firmware. One possibility is that this model became inaccurate for some reason giving the computer false indications of when to charge. The only part of this model displayed over USB is the Fuel Gauge Per Cent full, which is not shown in the selection above. The parameter can be manually set over USB. Perhaps setting this figure to zero would initiate charging and recalibration of the battery. The Neato will monitor the battery for premature discharge, loss of capacity, and reduce the programmed run time accordingly to insure return to base. New Battery resets this monitor.

d85 après coupure de courant