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Navibot, Powerbot

Powerbot VR9350

Mer 27 Juin 2018 12:02


Recently purchased a Powerbot VR9350. It seems to get stuck on *everything* with a "lifted" error. Chair legs are particularly problematic.
In general the vacuum works. Any chance the navigation and obstacle handling will be updated in future firmware updates or should I just return it to the retailer now?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Operation Management Service Video


Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mer 27 Juin 2018 23:23

See complete analysis and treatment at English forum http://www.robotreviews.com/chat/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=19388
The mechanics of the drive wheels causes lifting the side when rubbing against obstacles, similar to a motorcycle "wheelie", tripping a sensor for lifting off the floor, shutting down for safety. The software is inadequate for this detail, compared to other brands. The wheels can be held in to prevent tripping this sensor, without interfering with operation. The larger 4 inch wheels on the 9000 series, compared to 3 inches on smaller vacuums, may play a role in this. The 9350 added some counter weights in the front to respond to this problem, but may not be sufficient.

If your model is European and uses Virtual Guards instead of mag strips on American models, it is possible to add mag strip sensing with electronics hobby work. See thread at English forum http://www.robotreviews.com/chat/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=20181

My 9250 has run nearly 400 times with no apparent wear on the battery yet. I have used both older Roomba and Neato robots, and have better results with this Samsung. I especially like the washable filters, and have never had to buy accessories to keep it running.
I also like a feature only on the higher end 9000 series models where an indicator lights if the filter is clogged and needs cleaning, apart from whether the bin is full.

It all depends on your particular premises and needs, which robot is best, as well as price of course.

One newer feature in other brands is virtual boundary marking, on the computer screen, in place of physical barriers or mag strips. A puzzle remains however, of how to get a map to mark up without getting stuck for lack of boundaries -- "catch 22".

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mer 7 Aoû 2019 19:47

Comment pouvez-vous faire une comparaison sans passer l'aspirateur l'un à côté de l'autre?

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mar 24 Sep 2019 02:39

Merci pour votre partage. C’est mieux qu’on écrit le message en français. Tout le monde peut bien comprendre le contenu du message.

Bonne journée ;)

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Jeu 26 Sep 2019 02:15

I am advised to post in English instead of using Google translator, whose French is not the best.
I made measurements of dirt extraction on carpet by measuring the dust bin contents, over years using different brands. Also other measurements of the suction and air flow etc. See English forum robotreviews.com.
All of the robots do well on hard floors which are easy to sweep. Carpet cleaning is more difficult, and can even require periodic washing with heavy equipment.
The robots cannot clean carpet as well as regular vacuums with ten times the power of batteries, but do work when used frequently.
The larger wheels of the Powerbot 9000 series (4 in. vs 3 in. on smaller models) helps movement on carpet as well. I have not tried the 7000 series yet.
The 9350 Turbo also has flexible drive wheel rims with even more traction than the other models.
You are correct that a side by side comparison is best, but is difficult with carpet in that you must allow time for the carpet to get dirty. Typical tests with sprinkled debris on the rug is not the same as natural dust embedded in the carpet.

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Lun 21 Sep 2020 10:22

Robots are the machine who used t work based on artificial intelligence. They are the humanoid machines who used the basics of machine learning. Machine learning is the concept that if you teach a machine something once it will do the same thing next very time. e concept that if you teach a machine something once it will do the same thing next very time.

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mer 20 Jan 2021 05:35

Powerbolt VR 9350 is a very powerful vacuum. It's the most powerful vacuum ever made. It creates a suction pressure of 50 psi. This pressure can suck anything in that is even stuck to a surface.

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mar 15 Juin 2021 13:16

I have not tried the 7000 series yet. The 9350 Turbo also has flexible drive wheel rims with even more traction than the other models. You are correct that a side-by-side comparison is best, but is difficult with carpet in that you must allow time for the carpet to get dirty. Typical tests with sprinkled debris on the rug are not the same as natural dust embedded in the carpet.

Re: Powerbot VR9350

Mer 16 Juin 2021 06:57

The wheels can be held in to prevent tripping this sensor, without interfering with operation. The larger 4 inch wheels on the 9000 series, compared to 3 inches on smaller vacuums, may play a role in this. The 9350 added some counter weights in the front to respond to this problem, but may not be sufficient.