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XV-15, XV-14, XV-25, Signature, Botvac, Kobold VR100, VR200 ...

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Jeu 1 Juin 2017 20:42


Je viens de recevoir mon pack de batterie Lion (batteryupgrade), au depart tout était bien, mais depuis aujourd'hui il m'affiche une erreur 0002.

Pour changer les batteries, j'ai demonté les anciennes, mis les nouvelles, lancer la commande setconfig BatteryType 3, et laissé charger les batteries.

Sur NeatoControl j'ai :
Serial Number,KSH45314HH,0261468,P

Avez-vous une piste ?

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mar 6 Juin 2017 17:34

Personne ne rencontre le même soucis ? Je ne sais plus quoi faire, le robot se met tjrs en code erreur 0002 :s


Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mar 6 Juin 2017 18:16

Which battery? Supplied by whom? Measure voltage on the battery with a meter.
AnewPow batteries can be in a "sleep" mode. Activate with a 9v battery briefly on each pack separately.
Place the robot on the dock. User Neato Control Program to read the battery.
What does the battery supplier say?
Does the robot work with an old NiMh battery?

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Ven 9 Juin 2017 17:39


bien vérifier les connexions de chaque pack batterie dans le robot, vérifier également avec un multimètre que chaque pack délivre bien une tension de 7.2v.
il est tout a fait possible qu'un des 2 de vos packs soit HS.

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 11 Juin 2017 09:33

Merci pour vos retours.

Les batteries viennent de chez batteryupgrade :

http://www.batteryupgrade.fr/shopBrowse ... d/38113865

Pour le moment, j'ai remis les anciennes batteries NIMH qui elles ne posent pas de problème ( sauf qu'elles ne tiennent que 10min :) )

Le vendeur me dit que les batteries ne sont pas compatible avec les anciennes. En effet sur la page de leur site il y a 4 références de batteries neato :

En regardant les miennes, la référence est 205-0001, ce qui ne correspond donc pas. Pourtant le modèle Neato XV Signature est marqué comme compatible sur leur page, bizarre.

Je n'ai pas de multimètre pour tester la batterie, j'attends donc un retour du vendeur pour leur renvoyer le lot de batterie, et voir ce que je fais ensuite.

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 11 Juin 2017 11:11


C'est en effet tres curieux, surtout que je ne connais pas de différence de type de batterie pour les models XV.
Par contre, dans le notice d'application, est-ce que "battery upgrade" précise qu'il faut changer dans le robot le type de charge ? je pense que non car, cela n'est pas donné a tout le monde, c'est de mémoire également la cas avec les anewpow... cela reste donc pour moi un mystere car les Li Ion demandent une charge particulière.
Il y a peut-être dans chaque pack une carte électronique qui permet de transformer une charge NiMh en Li Ion ...??????

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 11 Juin 2017 17:38

The original supplier of LiOn replacements for Neato NiMh batteries is Lithium Power Inc. Taiwan, AnewPow distributor in Europe, owners of Boston Power U.S. Some Amazon distribution, not sure about Europe. They fully describe their system. Brandless lithium packs from Asia may not be properly engineered, and may not even have the necessary adapter electronics. There were previous reports of some such on AliExpress I think, also with blue wrapping. Lithium Power may provide some product for private labeling, but no details known. Whichever supplier is used, a full description of their technology should be provided.
Without a proper adapter for lithium cells the Neato charger for NiMh batteries will typically issue an error message when the batteries near full charge, as the charger is not terminated properly. Such cheap lithium packs might be usable with the SetConfig command to switch the Neato into Vorwerk mode -- possible only on the newer models with Rev64 system board. Makers of these cheap batteries may not understand the difference between Vorwerk and Neato robots.

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Ven 7 Juil 2017 10:31

hi glnc222

do you have any trick in mind to plug a LI pack in a 113 board?

how can i get a lithium charging algorithm on this old board?

as you said, the software tweak config battery type 3 can be add with no real impact on the hardware am-i right?
resistors or jumpers are needed?


Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Sam 8 Juil 2017 03:24

The old Rev113 Cruz Neato XV system board firmware does not support the SetConfig BatteryType USB command. The command may be accepted but does not change the charging algorithm as it does on the newer Rev64 Binky system board.

It is possible to make, or to buy, lithium replacements for the Rev113 board, but it is more complicated than with the lithium charging algorithm.
Compare with replacing the system board with the newer type.

The difference between these procedures is that NiMh charging terminates by thermistor temperature readings rising at the end of charge, and the Lithium charging terminates when the voltage reaches a maximum defined for the type of lithium used (this voltage will be close that specified for tripping over-voltage protection boards). Two methods can be used to translate lithium voltage into temperature for the NiMh charger, making an adapter. For the Neato XV a four-series of lithium cells is used, often with two parallel for capacity, terminating at 16.8v (two-series in each of two compartments, two packs). LiFePo4 cells have a lower voltage, and a five series would be used, with a different terminating voltage. NiMh is a 12 series for Neato XV, 1.2v per cell.

To translate the voltage into heat, a custom circuit can be made which generates a synthetic thermistor reading rising at the terminal voltage. Such circuits are in the commercial replacement lithium battery packs. I made such a circuit for LiFePo4 batteries shown at robotreviews.com, thread "lithium ion revisited".
Caution: when such circuits fail, from any mistake, the NiMh charger will go to its maximum voltage from the docking plates, which damaged a Neato system board. Additional over-voltage cut out circuits for the charger were then added. Another such adapter was made in Germany but i cannot translate the technical article or schematic. As the thermistor resistance falls with higher temperatures, it is sufficient to bypass the thermistor or fixed resistor with a transistor to signal heating to the NiMh charger. Raising temperature 10C at the maximum lithium voltage, read by a comparator component, is fairly simple as electronics goes. The specific thermistor characteristics in Neato are posted in the robotreviews thread. Temperature is reported over USB as Neato uses these signals.

A second method was used in the original German battery project at roboter-forum.com, "lithium ion upgrade". A pack balancer circuit, which evens out the charge on all cells in a pack, will get hot when the battery is full, bypassing the charging current, and can be thermally in contact with the standard thermistor. simulating the NIMh behavior. A custom balancer circuit was manufactured by the German user when the original parts were discontinued by makers. Many new balancer circuits with more advanced IC's do not carry a large enough balancing current to heat sufficiently. However, a battery was made for the Botvac (lower 12v system), with LiFePo4 batteries, where a standard commercial balancing board was enhanced by adding resistors in parallel (lowering the original) to increase the current. (The Botvac also does not support the SetConfig USB command.) See thread at robotreviews.com http://www.robotreviews.com/chat/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=19149
Note the particular balancers used there were for LiFePo4 voltages, not regular lithium ion. Other balancers are sold.
Balancer boards do not always include over-voltage protection which should be added with regular protection boards, important with Lithium Ion, and its fire hazard. The newer and safer LiNMC chemistry cells such as used here in the Rev64 Cruz project are best.

The balancing circuit method requires experimentation to insure sufficient heating. The adapter circuit method allows precise design of the operation, but needs custom, hobby electronics construction and knowledge. A German engineer with his own Neato lithium circuit helped identify the useful component for detecting voltage, the ICL7665 comparator I think (see the robotreviews thread). His circuit is not published at roboter-forum, as he only makes hand drawn sketches.

External NiMh pack chargers can be used to test DIY lithium battery packs with adapter methods of either type, before potential damage to Neato systems. I recommend the over-voltage protection such as I used, to protect those expensive parts.
Individual cell chargers can be used to initially balance the cells for assembling a pack. The best balance is achieved by fully discharging the cells first, through a suitable load resistor; caution under-voltage, excess discharge can damage cells. Under-voltage protection is included in protection boards. Instead of chargers, battery testers are available which cycle individual cells to measure their capacity.

The price of NiMh Neato batteries has fallen over years. Savings from making a DIY battery may be limited. Lithium will last longer than the NIMh.

The Botvac LifePo4 project used a newer cell with higher capacity than those I used to make an experimental LiFePo4 pack for the XV. The older cells I used have insufficient capacity and too many would be needed to fit in the XV (three parallel, 15 in all). The Botvac cells might work in two parallel, 10 in all. Regular lithium typically uses 8, four series two parallel.

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Sam 8 Juil 2017 09:41

Je viens de recevoir mon remboursement de la part de BatteryUpgrade.fr pour mes batteries Li-Ion.

Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait un lien pour des batteries Li-Ion qui fonctionne bien ? Je ne suis pas assez branché electronique pour les faire moi-même :)


Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Sam 8 Juil 2017 17:06

AnewPow Amazon.fr

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 9 Juil 2017 08:40

Merci glnc222.

Il n'y a pas beaucoup de commentaire sur Amazon pour ces batteries, et pas forcement positive.
J'ai quand même passé commande, j'espère que tout marchera bien :)

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 9 Juil 2017 09:17

j'ai un soucis je ne sais pas ou acheter le cordon de connexion du pc à mon neato,savez vous ou je peux me le fournir,merci
j'ai trouver un cable avec connexion usb pour mon pc .

Quand j'ouvre neato control il me dit port com non détécté ,rien ne se passe lors du branchement,pouvez vous me renseigné ,merci

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 9 Juil 2017 16:29

Neato XV USB cable "mini" USB (same as some game consoles). Neato Botvac USB micro -- same as cell phones.
USB "updater tool" driver Neato website from updating link in MyNeato
64-bit: http://www.neatoroboticsupdates.com/NeatoInstaller/NeatoUpdaterToolInstaller_x64.exe
32-bit: http://www.neatoroboticsupdates.com/NeatoInstaller/NeatoUpdaterToolInstaller_x86.exe
--unsigned driver in Windows 8.1 requires over-riding prohibition globally; local prompts ignored.(8.1 with Bing: Shift-Restart in StartScreen, right-click for Advanced next)
The driver package also installs a Neato firmware Updater program, not used. A special script driven terminal emulator used to install firmware from files.
USB Programming Manual http://www.neatorobotics.com/programmers-manual

In Windows the "devices and printers" utility will show the com port number of the connected Neato if operating.
The Neato needs to be turned on.
If the Neato system is damaged and not working at all there will be no USB connection. Power the Neato on the dock in case of defective battery. The system works without a battery installed if placed on the dock ("critical battery" error reported).

Neato Control program https://bitbucket.org/heXor/neatocontrol/downloads/neatocontrol.zip

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Dim 9 Juil 2017 19:19

The AnewPow lithium batteries are from Lithium Power Inc./Boston Power Inc. Taiwan, with a long standing business in this kind of battery for medical devices, Roomba etc. There are AnewPow, LithiumPower Inc websites. Users with Neato robot repair business have also been dealers for them and evaluated the batteries for development. They were the first to make lithium replacements for Neato NiMh and added one later for Botvac. AnewPow is the European distributor, with LithiumPower in the U.S. They are well regarded in posts at robotreviews.com, roboter-forum.com. They have a warranty. They have a thorough microntroller adapter board with all protections and engineered for the Neato charger.
When unused on the shelf for very long periods, the controller can enter a "sleep" mode to preserve the battery. In this case a 9v battery applied to each pack briefly will wake up the electronics. These batteries have been observed to increase the run time of Neato besides longer battery life.
They cost twice the price of NiMh batteries but last at least twice as long, probably more. NiMh batteries may last only 200 charging cycles.

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mer 25 Oct 2017 14:28

Un grand bravo pour la réalisation et surtout merci pour le partage !

Première question rapide, j'ai un Neato XV Essentiel, je voulais avoir confirmation que le montage est compatible ? Si j'ai bien compris, toute la gamme Neato XV a les mêmes accus...

2ème question, sur les composants listés par danaite :
danaite a écrit:Cellules : Samsung Battery ICR18650-26F / Li-Ion / LiNiCoMnO2 / 3.6V / 2600mAh 2,3€/pcs x 8 = 18,4€
choisir un vendeur qui utilise PostNL ou SwendenPost

BMS: PCB 2s Balancing BMS 7amp 5,3€/pcs x 2 = 10,6€ >>>> lien<<<<
il y en a des moins chers aux alentours de 1,4€ mais je préfère en prendre un de qualité car j'ai pris la décision de n'utiliser qu'un seul BMS par pack soit 2S2P

Auriez-vous des sites à conseiller (ebay, aliexpress ?), car la majorité des liens du topic ne sont plus valables...

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mer 25 Oct 2017 14:41

Salut, verifies d'abord le model de ta carte mere. Rev 113 ou 64 avant de te lancer dans le lithium

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mer 25 Oct 2017 16:32

Le type de carte mère peut être vue via le menu -> aide-> afficher rev -> le type de carte mére est a la ligne "Board"

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Mer 25 Oct 2017 22:02

Je n'avais pas vu cette subtilité... :shock:

Je suis en rev 64 (merci pour le chemin pour trouver l'info !)

Re: Faire ses pack batteries Li ion

Jeu 26 Oct 2017 17:43


Donc c'est bon, les paramètres de charge peuvent être modifiés pour les batteries li ion .
